Friday 25 September 2009

Saturdays big fish folly

On Saturday Jeff and I are revisiting Anchor Meadows in my quest of a decent fish. Our last visit produced Jeff's P.B. Barbel weighing in at 9 Lb. With my new John Wilson Avon Quiver itching to catch some fish and Jeff's promise of it's caliber with good sized quarry, we're off at 6 am for a full day!

I will be stripping my gear down to bear essentials and might add a new quiver rod bag to my inventory to aid my mobility. Jeff and I had a interesting beer fueled debate about the finess of hook sizes last night so I'm off to the tackle shop to purchase whale harpoon scale hooks - to me that's anything over a size 16!

I might take time out to investigate these interesting circular marks in the meadow next to the stretch we're fishing - I'll get Jeff's opinion on these as he is an expert (retired) metal detectionist.


  1. Kev, I think it be probably oither a most complicated and interesting ploughed out Bronze Age funerary landscape comprising of many barrow types with causeways and processional cursii, or...

    ... a golf course!

  2. Meet you on the 19th Guys. Good Luck.

    Go as light as you dare during the day whilst it remains low and clear, after dark you can beef up as the light's on your side.

  3. I've got the John Wilson avon rod, it's probably my favorite. It's versatile and I've had all sorts on it.
